Here we will show how to use MQ-2 gas sensor with Arduino and LCD. This project will be helpful to you if you need or want to monitor gas leakage. For example you can use it as a domestic gas leakage detector(in Kitchen) or as industrial combustible gas detector or as a portable gas detector. In this example we will only display the detected gas(LPG, CO2, Smoke) level on LCD and on the serial monitor to demonstrates how it works. But you can also modify the project that when certain level of gas is reached, some action is taken. For example you can make use of DC motor with Arduino to run a fan or you can use servo motor to open door or window for environment temperature control or use a stepper motor with Arduino to control supply of gas.
MQ-2 Gas Sensor Module Working Mechanism
The MQ-2 gas sensor can detect LPG, Propane, Hydrogen, Methane, Alcohol and smoke. It works by sensing the conductivity of the surroundings space and outputs voltage proportional to the conductivity. Internally it contains Tin Dioxide (SnO2) sensitive layer, heater circuit and measuring electrodes. The SnO2 conductivity is low in clean air but in presence of gas, its conductivity increases proportional to the gas concentration. This in turn proportional increases/decreases output voltage at it's analog output pin. The sensor resistor(Rs) resistance, which is reciprocal of the sensor conductivity is used for outputting the sensor value.
The module has four pins as shown in the MQ-2 pin out figure. The first pin is continuous analog output pin which can be read by the ADC module of a microcontroller. The second pin is digital output pin which can be configured to output high signal when certain level of gas is reached. When the digital output is high, a LED on the module will turn ON. The third pin is the ground pin and the fourth pin the power supply Vcc pin.
In the MQ-2 pin-out picture you can also see the potentiometer knob which is used to vary the sensitivity of the gas sensor.
Wiring Diagram of MQ2 Gas Sensor with Arduino and LCD
The following diagram shows the wiring diagram of Arduino, 16x2 LCD with MQ-2 gas sensor. The Arduino pins 13 to 8 are used for LCD. The MQ-2 gas sensor analog output pin(A0) is connected to the A0 ADC pin of the Arduino.
Below picture shows MQ-2 gas sensor with Arduino and LCD on a breadboard.
Arduino Code for MQ-2 Gas Sensor and LCD
Below is the program code for detecting gas using MQ2 gas sensor and displaying the PPM values on the LCD.
Results & Video demonstration
Below video demonstrates how the MQ-2 gas sensor works with Arduino and LCD. Also provided is the serial monitor output. As the lighter liquid gas which is butane is brought near the gas sensor, the LPG level, CO and smoke level increases. This demonstrates that the gas sensor and the arduino code provided above works.
On the serial monitor you will see the level of gas displayed.
Recommended Tutorials
In this tutorial we used Arduino board with MQ2 gas sensor. The tutorial Gas Sensor MQ-2 with ATmega32 and LCD is same except it uses ATmega32A microcontroller. Another similar sensor is MQ-3 sensor which is alcohol sensor. The tutorial MQ3 Alcohol Analyzer with Arduino explains how to use the MQ3 alcohol sensor with Arduino.
Further Work
Next you can enhance your project to include other sensor in your gas sensor project. You might want to include temperature and humidity sensor. The DHT11 sensor is easy to use and you can find details and source code in the tutorial LCD Display of Temperature and Humidity using DHT11 & Arduino with Code. In case you are only interested in temperature control with gas sensor then you can use the simple LM35 temperature sensor. This can be helpful in industrial application and research work where gas and temperature have to be monitored. The LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino and LCD tutorial explains how you can use LM35 temperature sensor and source code is also provided.